Reaching Goals and Writing More

It happened! I reached my goal for Camp NaNoWriMo yesterday! Very happy and proud, but mostly stunned because the reason my Camp goal was to re-write 100 pages was to give myself something challenging but also easier than the NaNoWriMo goal of 50.000 words. Well, turns out those 100 pages amounted to a word count … More Reaching Goals and Writing More

Organized Creativity – Camp NaNoWriMo and a Bullet Journal

It’s been another one of those weeks with not a lot of leftover time or energy to write or even take notes, let alone prepare for a blog post – but luckily, today is an easy day to pick a topic because Camp NaNoWriMo starts today! I did NaNoWriMo for the first time last November, and this … More Organized Creativity – Camp NaNoWriMo and a Bullet Journal